Стратегии торговли опционами в Python
(Options Trading Strategies in Python)
Видеокурс на англ. языке + англ. субтитры + исходный код на Python. Ниже представлен перевод описания курса на русский язык и его оригинальное описание на английском (под спойлером).
Р’ РєСѓСЂСЃРµ изучаются модели ценообразования опционов, Options Greeks Рё стратегии Arbitrage Strategy, Box Strategy, Calendar Spread, Р° также продвинутые (advanced) стратегии: Dispersion Trading, Machine Learning, Gamma Scalping. Также РєСѓСЂСЃ охватывает такие понятия, как модель Блэка Шоулза Мертона (Black Scholes Merton model), процесс Винера (Wiener process), лемма Рто (Ito’s Lemma).
- Рассчитывать цену опционов, используя различные исторические и продвинутые модели
- Рспользовать факторы, влияющие РЅР° цены опционов РІ ваших торговых стратегиях
- Различные стратегии торговли опционами и как использовать их для торговли
- Прогнозировать движение индексов, используя подразумеваемую волатильность опционов (implied volatility of the options)
- Различные торговые стратегии, основанные на волатильности
- Кодируйте различные варианты торговых стратегий в Python
- Дисперсионная торговля в Python
- Прогнозирование цены опциона с помощью машинного обучения
- Ркзотические Рё сложные варианты вместе СЃ РёС… оценкой
- Управление портфельным риском с использованием опционов
- Сценарный анализ для управления риском
- Вывод модели Блэка Шоулза с использованием биномиальных деревьев
- Вывод дифференциального уравнения Мёртона Блэка-Шоулза СЃ использованием процесса Винера Рё леммы Рто
- Options pricing models with an intuitive explanation of Black Scholes Merton Model
- Other evolved options pricing models such as Derman Kani Model and Heston Model
- Options Greeks with a special focus on the intuitive explanation of sensitivity of Delta, Gamma and Vega with respect to the underlying price, the time to expiry and the volatility
- Advanced Options Greeks concepts
- Various strategies like Arbitrage Strategy, Box Strategy and Calendar Spread
- A case study on Strategy during earnings announcement of the company
- Strategies based on implied volatility with concepts of Forward Volatility, Volatility Smile and Volatility Skew
- Mathematical models for options trading, covering concepts of Wiener process and Ito’s Lemma along with the derivation of Black Scholes Merton (BSM) differential equation
- Detailed explanation and code of a dispersion trading strategy on BankNifty
- Exotic options: binary options, barrier options, chooser options, Gap options and Shout options
- Compound options and their valuation
- Market risk and risk measures including Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall
- Implementing dynamic hedging using greeks in Python: Delta neutral portfolio and Gamma scalping
- Risk management using options
- Options Pricing Models
- Evolved Options Pricing Model
- Options Greeks
- Options Trading Strategies
- Volatility Trading Strategies
- Mathematical models for Options Trading
- Dispersion Trading
- Machine Learning
- Exotic Options
- Risk Management
- Scenario Analysis
- Summary
- Calculate the price of options using various historical and advanced models
- Use factors affecting the options prices in your trading strategies
- Different options trading strategies and how to use them to trade in live markets
- Predict movement of indices using implied volatility of the options
- Various implied volatility based trading strategies
- Code various options trading strategies in Python
- Dispersion trading in Python
- Predicting option price using machine learning
- Exotic and compound options along with their valuation
- Managing portfolio risk using options
- Scenario analysis to manage risk
- Derivation of Black Scholes Model using Binomial Trees
- Derivation of Black Scholes Merton differential equation using Wiener Process and Ito’s Lemma
QuantInsti® is a pioneering algorithmic and quantitative trading research institute with a registered user base in 150+ countries. Their flagship course, Executive Programme in Algorithmic Trading (EPAT™) is world’s first verified certification, offered to professionals looking to enter or grow in the algorithmic and quantitative trading industry. QuantInsti also launched its interactive self-paced learning portal, Quantra, offering 20+ interactive courses and tools for quant, created under the guidance of successful practitioners.
With the vision of becoming a global knowledge and technology powerhouse in the quantitative and algorithmic trading domain, QuantInsti also launched Quantra Blueshift in 2018 to offer backtesting and research capabilities for users in both Indian and US markets with minute level data. They work closely with top global financial and educational institutions through their content, delivery and research tools.
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