Original website: $97
The indicator is optimized for use in a time-frame of 5 minutes or more.
If the trader has experience in binary trading, he could use it in a 60-second timeframe with similar results in all time-frames.
It doesn’t repaint nor redraw the signs. The star that is the alarm signal can disappear in the current bar not giving the conditions to operate in the next candle, but if the star remains in the current candle, in the next candle we will get the arrow to buy the option and it will never disappear.
Курс включает в себя следующие файлы:
/ Indicador_Clubinarias_5.0.ex4 (Объем: 96.63 KB) — ПРОДОЛЖРТЕЛЬНОСТЬ 0 РјРёРЅСѓС‚
/ tutorial.txt (Объем: 35.00 B) — ПРОДОЛЖРТЕЛЬНОСТЬ 0 РјРёРЅСѓС‚